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Writer's pictureRay Sullivan

Nutrient colimitation is a quantitative, dynamic property of microbial populations

Michael Manhart’s Lab at Center for Advanced Biotechnology & Medicine at Rutgers Piscataway, NJ developed a quantitative framework for understanding and measuring resource colimitation in microbes, which is common in nature but difficult to study due to a lack of systematic approaches.

- They developed a quantitative theory of resource colimitation that captures the range of possible limitation states and how they can change dynamically with resource conditions.

- They applied this approach to E. coli and find that colimitation occurs in common laboratory conditions, with growth rate and growth yield being colimited differently.

- They analyzed environmental data and find that it is consistent with a continuum of colimitation states in nature.

The work provides a quantitative framework for understanding and testing nutrient colimitation in microbes, which has important implications across various contexts, and identifies key future research directions to determine how common nutrient colimitation is in natural environments.

Held NA, Krishna A, Crippa D, Battaje RR, Devaux AJ, Dragan A, Manhart M. Nutrient colimitation is a quantitative, dynamic property of microbial populations. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 Dec 24;121(52):e2400304121. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2400304121. Epub 2024 Dec 18. PMID: 39693349.

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